Do you want to ride your bike faster?

Get a PB on these steep hills ?

The biggest impact on your weight / power ratio…. is to lose weight!

Our approach is different! And unlike diets IT WORKS for the longer term!

As weight loss and lifestyle coaches we’ll help you creating your personalised nutrition plan.

So, you can lose weight and keep it off enabling you to enjoy riding for the years to come.

It’s not a diet or being tortured with exact calories count like the pro riders.

It’s about finding what works for you: what you eat, when you eat it and what you do!

To help getting “weight ready” and maximised your enjoyment for all the coming sportives, we partnered with Velo29.

We are offering a special discount of £25 instead of £50 (please quote Velo29 when you book your session) - Offer valid until 31/10/22(*).

In addition, we will randomly offer 3 plans. These plans consist of 3 one to one coaching sessions with personalised nutritional advice to fit your objectives. (*).

To register your interest please fill the form below.

(*) term and condition apply

In partnership with


Win a personalised plan Competition(*)

In Partnership with Velo29!

Enter your details below to get the chance to win a plan with one of our coach to develop your personalised nutritional plan: to lose weight and keep it off!.

(*) Terms and conditions

·      Limited to one entry per person

·      Winner will be randomly selected

·      The prize is not transferable to someone else

·      The plan consist of 3 sessions with a coach and will need to be completed within 5 weeks.

·      Prize winner will need to claim the plan within 2 weeks

·      Winner will be notified by email

·      No purchase is required

·      You need to be UK resident aged 18+

·      Closing date 19/09/22 midnight

·      Special price offer ends on 31/10/22

·      Special price offer applies to the 1st 4 sessions

·      We reserve the right to retract these offers at any time